Make a hoplite shield
Make a hoplite shield

Leave that layer to dry and then paint or spray matt varnish over the top to remove the shine. Leave it to dry and apply another layer of gloss varnish over the design. Gently move it into the correct position with the brush (or with your finger if you are careful!). Place the transfer with its backing on the shield face and gently slide the transfer off of the backing and onto the shield. Put your brush underneath it and lift it out of the water. Put the transfer face up into the water, leave it for about 20 seconds. Cut as close to the edge as possible following the shape of the design. This helps the transfer stick to the shield.Ĭut out the design you want to use. When this is dry, I apply a layer of gloss varnish to the facing. I don’t want it to look too even, so I apply it quite randomly. I do this by adding progressively more white to each successive highlight, the more white add, the closer to the centre of the shield I apply the highlight. Over the Dheneb Stone base coat I add some highlights in a loose circular pattern, following the curve of the shield. Please see my ‘painting Greek hoplites’ guide for the initial stages and then continue here.

  • Micro Sol decal solvent (not essential but I find it helps a lot).
  • Sharp, fine scissors (I use nail cutting scissors!) or a craft knife.
  • The colours I’ll be using in this tutorial are: I generally use Games Workshop’s range of acrylic paints.

    make a hoplite shield


    In this guide I will walk you through how I paint shields and how to apply the Warlord Games waterslide transfers, giving a historically accurate appearance. I have shown how to do this to a shield that is not attached to a figure for ease of taking photos, it is a lot easier if you have it attached to a figure when you follow this guide as it’s far easier to hold on to!Īlthough heavily highlighted and coloured shield facings and designs may look nice on the table top, they do not reflect how they would have actually appeared (don’t let this stop you if you really like them though!). I am showing how to paint a white shield, although this method can be adapted for any colour. These could then have an image painted onto its face (or embossed in bronze).

    make a hoplite shield

    Hoplite shields were either painted or covered in a thin sheet of bronze.

    Make a hoplite shield